Have you ever heard of hot-desking? It may seem like the newest passing trend, but it could benefit your business in more ways than you know. Hot-desking can also have an impact on which serviced office you choose. If you know that you’re going to be implementing this approach, you’ll be looking at different office spaces, perhaps smaller ones! To find out the benefits of hot-desking, keep reading and find out why you should consider it…

What is hot-desking?

Hot-desking is a flexible way of working that means your employees won’t have assigned desks. This means that they could use different desks each time, as they are often allocated on a first come first served basis. This could vary the desk spaces of your office every day. Within your serviced office, you could create a rota to outline which employees come into the workplace on each working day. This will allow you to operate out of a smaller space. Hot desking is primarily used to save company costs but there are other benefits too! Here’s how this approach could work for you:

An affordable avenue

Hot-desking could be the business move that saves you a ton of money. Hot-desking used hand in hand with hybrid working may allow you to work in a smaller serviced office. This reduces your monthly bill, allowing you to plan your finances for the future and invest more into your business. Hybrid work and sharing desks could be the working arrangement that allows your company to grow.

Encourages collaboration

If your employees are sitting next to someone different every day, it could increase their opportunities to collaborate with people they may not otherwise have spent much time with. Office environments with assigned desks can often become stagnant, but the constant variation with hot-desking could kickstart the kind of teamwork that will help your business to thrive.

Tidy office, tidy mind

As with the saying tidy life, tidy mind, a tidy workspace could result in increased productivity in your employees! As they won’t have a desk that is specifically theirs, they won’t be able to leave clutter in the space at the end of the day. This eliminates the risk of the whole office looking messy, and their clean workspace should help to make employees more efficient in their jobs.

Tight-knit team

Giving your employees chances to get to know different people in the company could be highly beneficial for your business. It could even give interns the chance to sit next to directors! Allow your hot-deskers to share their knowledge with each other – this could mean that your employees gain information from all aspects of the company, picking up key skills in their industry and increasing efficiency.

If you’re thinking about hot-desking but you’re still searching for your serviced office while your employees are working from home, come to us. If you include the opportunity for hot-desking in your requirements for your serviced office, our team at Serviced Offices South London will come up with options that fit the bill. We could find your business’s new home in the blink of an eye! Just give us a call on 0208 315 6600 or email hello@servicedofficessouthlondon.co.uk.